SwipeSense Insights

Monitoring the 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene May Not Be Necessary

The World Health Organization (WHO) introduced the “5 moments of hand hygiene” in 2009 to highlight...

Supply Chain Problems Hinder Patient Care

The availability of medical supplies directly impacts patient outcomes.

Closing the Gap Between Hand Hygiene Perception & Reality

Healthcare workers commonly estimate their hand hygiene compliance before touching a patient to be...

Target Nurse Burnout to Improve Care & Cut Costs

Nurse burnout – a phenomenon characterized by emotional exhaustion, decreased motivation, and...

A Nurse-Friendly Approach to Fall Prevention in Hospitals

Patient falls are dangerous to patients, to staff, and to your hospital’s bottom line.

Improve Patient Outcomes with Hospital Asset Tracking

When hospital staff can’t locate necessary medical equipment in a timely manner, patients suffer.

Nurse Rounding Technology Can Improve Patient Safety — and Satisfaction

One simple intervention can dramatically increase patient safety and satisfaction. Purposeful...

4 Ways Technology Makes an Infection Preventionist’s Job Easier

“Technology made large populations possible; large populations now make technology indispensable.”

Introducing a Hand Hygiene Initiative? Follow These 3 Steps to Boost Staff Buy-In

No change initiative will be successful without staff buy-in.