SwipeSense Insights

Addressing Inequities in Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)

Black, Latinx, Asian, and Indigenous people experience higher rates of healthcare-associated...

Why Are Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) Still a Problem in 2022?

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are among the top five killers in the United States. How is...

6 Strategies to Boost Nurse Retention

Nurse retention is key to meeting clinical demand in an era of pervasive workforce shortages.

The True Cost of HAIs is Higher Than You Think

When adjusted for inflation, healthcare-associated infection (HAIs) in U.S. acute care hospitals...

Half of Health Care Facilities Worldwide Lack Basic Hand Hygiene Supplies

Half of health care facilities worldwide lack basic hand hygiene supplies such as soap, water, or...

Considering an Electronic Hand Hygiene System? What to Look For

An electronic hand hygiene system can help you boost hand hygiene rates, prevent...

World Patient Safety Day: Involve Patients & Families in Hand Hygiene

The World Health Organization (WHO) established World Patient Safety Day in 2019 to call for...

How To Keep Patients Safe Despite Staffing Shortages

A shortage of healthcare workers is the biggest threat to patient safety in the United States,...

What Gen Z & Millennial Nurses Need

The future of healthcare is in the hands of Millennials and Gen Z.